I feel like it has been forever since I have posted and I have a lot to say but we shall see:
First, I don't mind you, rachel, talking about lenny bruce or boodha the dog or anything. It might be nice if we all thought of / or at least accepted the possibility, of people with lots of different interests, and even capacities. For instance, not to pick on you rachel, but you happen to grow nice plants, write interesting things, and watch alot of sopranos with vigor. . . . I could go on. So I don't mind you mentioning all that even if I have tended to stick to the farmy. Which is because of
Secondly, and interconnectedly with the firstly, I view the blog as pretty public, and in my mind haven't prioritized our posts over the comments; if you look back you (and this is the big you out there) will see i'm always hoping to launch this into the more interactive. Also of course open to blog settings that would allow that. Like perhaps your membership would include the ability to post (if comments are truly a bit more marginal than I imagine).
Thirdly, all the farmy news fit to print (with reserved rights of further presentation of non-

related bits), in between ice-cream bites rachel planted alot of onions, what we are hoping with be 1200 onions, of which we have two varieties, red long of tropea, which we grew last year and really liked, and a yellow called copra which is recommended for this area and for storage. Rachel also bought a grow-light for the aforementioned onions, as they can have no greenhouse home for another week or so, which is fine considering the cost of heating that would be involved. One of the things that
I did was order trays from Johnny's. But I've opened them and they are the wrong size: I like to have at least one continuing saga.
More exact info was given to us by Leigh O'Donnell, the owner and soapmaker of Adirondack Soaps about what the full shares and 1/2 shares will be. Check it out:
1/2 Share ($30) that would be 5 soaps and a lotion, the soaps are about 5 ounces each, bigger than the ones on my website. The lotion is 8 ounces.
Full Share ($60) that would be 10 soaps and 1 lotion and 2 lip balms.
We have also got the brochure together. Rather than post it, if you would like one comment with your mailing address or write to
openheartfarm@yahoo.com, whichever.