Expanding rhubarb and Asparagus patches
Easter seems miles behind us already but I couldn't resist putting this picture up. For those who don't know this is Rachel and Ciaran, my better halves, at Callahan park at a . . . oh, you can probably figure that part out. It was such a pretty day that day that I felt compelled to go out and mulch the garlic, which is long since finished and seems to be progressing well.
The rhubarb (the mulched thing pictured below) that I started from seed just last year also is doing really well, and looks like I am going to harvest some starting in about a week. Very exciting and a convincing argument for doing it from seed and not from crowns. So besides doing a ton more this year (the goal is about 200 feet of rhubarb), I am also filing in our asparagus bed with stuff from seed, which also germinated very well. Since its been so warm and the rhubarb is ready even a little earlier than normal, I am going to try to get some to this years members. As these patches become well established it makes the case for possibly starting the CSA a week earlier.
Other things in the ground are spinach, onions, chamomile, potatoes, peas, and napa. Tomorrow out goes alot of brassicas (kale, broccolli, cauliflower etc.)
Other things in the ground are spinach, onions, chamomile, potatoes, peas, and napa. Tomorrow out goes alot of brassicas (kale, broccolli, cauliflower etc.)