Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's April (Really!)

Well, it's almost April.  Though you would hardly know it, right? We had a few snow flakes today.

What does all this cold mean for the farm.  Well first, let's quantify it.  It seems a little more crazy than it is cause last year was crazy warm.  At this point last year we had had a few weeks of fifties.  This year we have been consistently below the average by 5-10 degrees.  Wouldn't even register as a blip if it was just a week, but it's been about three, so . . . I think it will slow things up a little at the beginning.  Our first lettuce may be a week later, but still ready a week or two in advance of the CSA, just a little late for our first market in Shelburne.

These little guys are brassicas that we have started in the greenhouse.  And the truth is that the greenhouse insulates us from a lot of the weather at this end of the season, always the same temp in there.  As you can see perfect germination - I am actually pretty excited about our new broccoli varieties.  Limba is the name of one of our first new ones, supposed to have lots of juicy side shoots.

Looking at the bright side of all this cold: the weeds aren't getting any head start.  While at the field today I saw all the first leaves of rhubarb and the garlic coming up, spring to follow shortly everyone, believe me.

If you are looking for a link to our brochure, look no further than the sidebar of the blog, it's right there.

Look forward to seeing everyone on the streets of b-town as it warms up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We are in St. Louis for our last break before the season starts in earnest (I know, sounds a little weird when the snow isn't even off the ground, but the greenhouse gets intensive quick).  It is about 65 here today and Ciaran was out in his Grandma's garden digging when he found an earthworm.

He's 3 now, so each passing summer still produces a vastly different Ciaran.  He already seems much more able to handle himself in the garden, by which I guess I mean, able to not step on things and interested in playing in the dirt for a long time.  Just hearing about the earthworm was so joyous for me, and kinda reminded me of the importance of doing things the way we do them at Open Heart, which is not certified organic, but we do do everything in that way with a smattering of biodynamic practices as well, and hearing about the earthworms reminded me of how much I like seeing them when we unearth the garlic (which we mulch with leaves, perfect moist spot for the worms), and all the ones we find while digging the potatoes.  It's nice to know we are providing a safe, non-toxic environment for those fellows.  You probably can't overestimate the importance of having them their, if only as a sign of all the other life in the soil.  Which is why I always loved the name of one farm in the North Fork of Long Island where Rachel and I started farming: The Golden Earthworm Farm.  They are that important.

Can't wait to get back to VT and see them.