Print brochures will be available at the end of February.
For now, here are some details:
Price of a small share: $300. (1-2 people) Price of a large share: $450 (3+ people)
There will be 2 pick-up sites in Burlington, just as last year: one North End, one South End.
This year, there will be 2 pick-up days: Mondays and Thursdays. There will be 20 weeks of pick-ups.
Saturday afternoons are member farm days. Members will have the chance to contribute to the upkeep of the farm, pick herbs and flowers, or just visit and ask questions. Either Josh or Rachel will be present at the farm on Saturday afternoons.
Open Heart Farm will be collaborating with Adam's Berry Farm, located directly adjacent to OH Farm, in offering a berry-share add-on. More details to come.
If you would like to contact us for any reason, please email us at openheartfarm@yahoo.com, or call us at 802-881-8125.